Kidz Connect Sunday
Kidz Connect Sundays
Bring the family and join us at 8:45 AM Sunday mornings as we connect to Christ, each other, and our community.
Kidz Connect Sunday Classes
At 8:45 AM
For kids K-Sr. High
Check children in upon arrival in the Church Road narthex next to Fellowship Hall.
Class Breakdowns and Locations:
Kidz Connect - Sprouts
For children K - 6th Grades
In Room S4, Under the Sanctuary
Drop off & pick up in the Church Rd Narthex
Kidz Connect - Jr & Sr High
For 7th-12th graders
In Room 202
The unfolding story of Christ is the underpinning of everything we teach. We use "The Gospel Project" curriculum which takes kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture.
We have well-trained, passionate, teachers who introduce your children to the grand biblical drama, help them connect God’s story to their own stories, nurture their creativity through crafts, projects, and songs, and pray with them and for them. All teachers meet PA state child protection clearance requirements.
Register your child for Kidz Connect Sundays below.
Please note, your child does not need to be registered to join us on Sundays!