Parenting Small Group
Event Details

Sun, Jun 16th

8:45am - 9:45am

Terrace Rooms

Oreland Evangelical Presbyterian Church
1119 Church Road
Oreland, PA 19075

Sundays beginning on April 7, during 8:45 AM Christian Education, we will be gathering together as parents to encourage each other in that role. To help us with our calling, we will be going through Paul David Tripp’s Book: “Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family.” The group will be led by several parents in our church and it will be a time where each of us can learn from the book, and engage with each other in the joys and struggles of this amazing thing called ‘parenting.’ So we would like for you to mark your calendars grab a book on Sunday, and plan to join us… Here's an excerpt describing the book: “What is Your Calling As A Parent? In the midst of folding laundry, coordinating carpool schedules, and breaking up fights, may parents get lost. Feeling pressure to do everything “Right” and raise up “good” children, it’s easy to lose sight of our ultimate purpose as parents in the quest for practical tips and guaranteed formulas. In this life-giving book, Paul Tripp offers parents much more than a to-do list. Instead, he presents us with a big picture view of God’s plan for us as parents. Outlining fourteen foundational principles centered on the gospel, he shows that we need more than the latest parenting strategy or list of techniques. Rather, we need the rescuing grace of God-grace that has the power to shape how we view everything we do as parents. Freed from the burden of trying to manufacture life-change in our children’s hearts, we can embrace a grand perspective of parenting overflowing with vision, purpose, and joy.” We hope you will be excited to join us for this amazing journey together…. If you are a family with young (nursery aged kids, 0-upto kindergarten) and would need childcare, please email Don’t forget that during this time we also have Kid’s and Youth Connect groups that meet so any kids’ from kindergarten through 12th grade have a group to join.
Event Details

Sun, Jun 16th

8:45am - 9:45am

Terrace Rooms

Oreland Evangelical Presbyterian Church
1119 Church Road
Oreland, PA 19075