Prayer Meeting
Event Details

Tue, Feb 9th

6pm - 7pm

Terrace Room or Zoom

Oreland Evangelical Presbyterian Church
1119 Church Road
Oreland, PA 19075

Join us the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 6:00 PM in the Terrace Room for a Prayer Meeting. You are encouraged to wear a mask. Please note, the meeting will also be available on Zoom for those who would rather not attend in-person. To join, use the information below. Zoom Meeting ID: 610 851 251 Password: 075297 If you are using a phone to dial-in, call either number below then enter the Meeting ID. +13017158592 +13126266799
Event Details

Tue, Feb 9th

6pm - 7pm

Terrace Room or Zoom

Oreland Evangelical Presbyterian Church
1119 Church Road
Oreland, PA 19075